Cyber security blog

The latest cyber security insight from CORVID

What Is Managed Detection and Response (MDR)?

In today’s rapidly evolving cyber threat landscape, organisations need more than just conventional security measures. Introducing Managed Detection and Response (MDR) – a transformative solution to...

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Cyber Incident Response for decision-makers

It is not unusual for an organisation to have a cybersecurity incident. It may be discovered through internal security controls (such as Anti-Virus, or a Security Operations Centre) , or it may be that a...

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An introduction to cybersecurity for decision-makers

Cybersecurity is an industry, a field of academia, a buzz-word, a science, an art and a bogeyman. And whilst cybersecurity cannot be avoided within any organisation that relies upon computers and data: there...

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Patching up life support: why critical care is at critical risk

Keeping people alive is unquestionably more important than patching software, but unpatched software is vulnerable to exploitation, and won’t keep anyone alive if it leads to a breach of your IT systems,...

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Symptoms of a COVID-19 scam

Like the virus itself, scam emails claiming to be related to coronavirus are everywhere and spreading fast, preying on the public’s panic and an insatiable hunger for the latest information, government...

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Happy to lose £300k to cyber crime? Get a university research partner

A higher education research partner has the potential to be hugely beneficial for your business, both financially and reputationally. But universities – especially the well-funded, prestigious Russell Group –...

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Three ways your website is making it easy for attackers

Cyber attackers are quietly appreciative of businesses across all sectors for making their job easier. With all the information they need to craft their attack laid out neatly in front of them, adversaries...

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Rockin' around the cyber security contract

Aside from the usual “strict diet and fitness regime starts on 1 January” resolution that everyone makes and forgets by February, now is the perfect time to take stock of your company’s cyber health. Was your...

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It's nothing personal; cyber criminals just want your money

Disruptive ransomware attacks on manufacturing businesses regularly make headlines. You’ve seen the stories – multinational manufacturing companies are locked out of their IT systems, with attackers demanding...

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Is your IP safe from the world’s most powerful adversaries?

What if someone had stolen the designs for the first iPhone? Would you still fork out hundreds of pounds for the latest model, or would you buy the exact same handset for a mere fraction of the cost from...

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Are you the middle man or the target?

Cyber criminals will always opt for the path of least resistance – targeting the weakest link in a supply chain gives them an easy route in to much bigger prey. Relying on hardware, software, and services from...

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Are you making it easy for criminals to target your clients?

Although the legal sector is relentlessly plagued by cyber attacks, law firms themselves are not necessarily the intended target. Cyber attackers have their sights on much bigger fish.

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Can you put a price on your clients’ privacy?

Law firms are a one-stop-shop for cyber criminals – not only can they get their hands on large financial transactions, but there’s plenty of sensitive, highly valuable client information to be had too....

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Criminals are after your clients’ money – will you give it to them?

The scale of financial transactions makes the legal sector an enticingly lucrative prospect for those with less-than-legal intentions. As law firms’ reputations are built on trust and security, keeping these...

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Five emails you don't want in your inbox

Phishing attacks are the most common form of cyber attack. Why? Simplicity – email gives cyber criminals an easy route in, allowing them to reach users directly with no defensive barriers, to mislead, harvest...

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11 security mistakes putting your company at risk & their fixes

Cyber attacks are inevitable. Regardless of the size of your business or the sector you operate in, if you’re connected to the internet, cyber criminals will try their luck.

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Spotting email compromise in law firms: users vs. technology

The legal sector presents the perfect playground for cyber attackers, with sensitive data waiting to be exploited and the reputations of law firms waiting to be destroyed.

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Three reasons the education sector is a prime target for cyber attacks

The education sector is fast becoming a prime target for cyber attacks. Universities and research centres have faced repeated attacks, with more than 200 institutions reporting over 1,000 attempts last year to...

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How to effectively manage, detect and respond to a data breach

78% of businesses cite cyber security as a high priority for their organisation’s senior management. While it is encouraging that this figure has risen year-on-year, generating awareness of cyber security is...

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Four questions you need to answer after a cyber attack

Cyber attacks are inevitable, but it’s how you deal with them that can make or break your business. Have you got all the answers, and do you fully understand their implications? Can you be sure the attack...

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Is email security training a waste of your time?

Given the volume of high-profile cyber attacks making headlines, it’s little wonder the government is urging organisations to step up their cyber and email security training[1]. But can user training ever hope...

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Why your most trusted employee could be your biggest threat

95% of cyber security breaches are due to human error[1]. It could be you. The best bit? You probably won’t even know you’re doing something wrong. You have inadvertently just become an unintentional insider...

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Want an easy way to save yourself £35k? Delete emails from your CEO

You’re a financial controller. You get an email from your CEO (who’s abroad on business) addressing you by your first name, apologising for the email late on a Friday, but requesting you urgently make a...

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Law firms and cyber crime; the growing threat to the UK legal sector

Cyber crime is a growing concern for all businesses across every industry, and even more so for those who operate in vulnerable sectors, such as law firms. The latest threat report from the NCSC highlights the...

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Manufacturers – protect your IP from social engineering attacks

Modern manufacturing makes increasing use of technology and connectivity to design, test and produce goods. The result is a growing opportunity and potential for adversaries to compromise your network, as it...

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Why cyber criminals target the manufacturing industry

Globally, the manufacturing industry is the third most targeted sector by cyber criminals. A recent report from manufacturing membership organisation EEF, highlighted both the increase in cyber attacks against...

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Does your MSSP add value? Unsure? Switch

As cyber attacks grow in sophistication, more businesses are using Security Operation Centres (SOCs) and relying on Managed Security Service Providers (MSSPs) to help keep them secure, informed and in control....

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How to Reduce the Risk of Cyber Attack in 7 Steps

To capture the business value from emerging technologies and reduce the chance of cyber attacks, manufacturers need to remain secure, vigilant and resilient.

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